Friday, March 2, 2007

Advocating the non-violent overthrow of government

Congress has the right idea in repealing the 2002 resolution that permitted the Bush crime syndicate to invade and occupy Iraq. The premises were fraudulent at the time, have been conclusively proven to be so now after four disastrous years, and as none other than Ted Kennedy has pointed out, the so-called “war” now bears no resemblance to what was sold the Congress by the current administration in 2002.

However, even though this is a necessary and vital first step, it doesn’t go nearly far enough. Just as the Iraq military adventure is not the war authorized by Congress, this so-called “government” is not the one authorized and constituted by the veterans of the American revolution.

The American government was expressly designed to replace the tyranny of a King and a corporation, the East India Company, over the people. Sadly, their hopes for the republic have not been realized. America has become the Empire that our Founders fought against.

Even more unfortunately, there seems no remedy through the system. The scoundrels can’t be voted out of office because they own the voting machines that “count” the votes. The President can’t be impeached because too many in Congress are complicit in his crimes. The media can’t rouse the public to action because it’s a subsidiary of the corporate criminal syndicates.

Our only hope may be a bloodless coup. You’ve had your Velvet revolution in the former Czechoslovakia. The Orange revolution in Ukraine. The Cedar revolution in Lebanon. It’s time for the Red, White, and Blue revolution in America. We need a new Constitutional Convention. We need a real investigation of the crimes of Sept 11, 2001. We need a new Nuremberg trial for the war criminals that promoted the Iraq war. We need corporate money out of the government. We the people need to resume control.

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